Q: Is there any damage that could be caused to our parts if they were washed in the Liquinox Solution after being expired for 5 days? Would reprocessing the products in Non Expired Solution be a safe resolution? A: As discussed here, Using Expired Detergent, the cleaning in expired Liquinox detergent….
Q: I’m looking for detergents similar to Liquinox and Citranox, that are specially formulated for cold water cleaning conditions. Can you recommend analogs to the two?
A: For most residues, the detergency of an aqueous detergent is enhanced and hastened by heat.
Q: What is the difference between Liquinox vs. Citranox? We are using Liquinox for many of our applications but are having trouble with stainless steel cleaning cannulas with a small ID. Is Citranox the answer if the residue is inorganic?
A: Although Liquinox detergent is excellent at cleaning a host of residues, Citranox cleaner is indeed the better choice if we are fairly certain this is a largely inorganic residue.
Q: I just read your article on complex geometry 3d prints and it suggests using Luminox in conjunction with the VCN process. Should I be using Luminox over current detergents we purchase from you? A: Thanks so much for your email and interest in work we do in 3D printing. The experimental and testing work done that is discussed in….
Q: We are using isopropyl alcohol to remove residual 3D printed acrylic resin on plastic parts. It works ok, but we are looking to avoid flammability. What can Alconox recommend?
A: Detergent 8® Low-Foaming Ion-Free Detergent is in general the best cleaner we have for removing assorted resins. In some cases….
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